Post #3 Soldier Boys Point of View

As is described in our red Reader's Handbook, point of view is the vantage point from which a story is told. 
  • First peron pint of view is where the story is told by one of the charcters.  We are limited to knowing only what that character knows, thinks and feels.  How do you know if it is first peron point of view?  The character uses pronouns such as I or we and usually participates in much of the action.
  • Third person omniscient (all knowing) is where the story is told by a narrator who is not a charcter in the story.  The narrator will relate the thoughts and feelings of all the characters.  We know how everyone thinks and feels.  The narrator will use pronouns such as she, he, and they.
  • Third person limited is the most common point of view.  This is where the story is told by a narrator.  However, the narrator will relate the thoughs and feelings of just one character, usually the main character.  We do not know how the other characters are feeling and thinking.  Again, she, he and they will be used as pronouns.
  1. Who is telling the story in your novel?
  2. What point of view is this?
  3. Think about the story from a viewpoint of a different character.  How would the story be different? What details would be left out or added?
The story, The Kid Comes Back by John R. Unis, is told from Roy's point of view.  He is the main character, but he is not telling the story, a narrator is telling it.  So this is called third person limited.  We only know how Roy is feeling and what he is thinking.  He is angry because the mechanics don't seem to be aware of the danger of war.  The story would be different if it were told from the point of view of one of the mechanics because we wouldn't hear how afraid the gunners are up in the war planes.


  1. dear mrs.obrien i would recamend this book to my friend chris fryer because he likes books with a lot of action and blood and goor in it.

    from brad gast

  2. this book is so good i would recomend it to my brother who is in the mariens

    bradley gast (+[__]::)

  3. i am so glade i chose this book it awesome

    bradley gast

  4. i would recomend this book to any one who likes volince and gore

  5. anna s.
    the story is told from deiter and spencers perspective. it is first person because you only know what they feel\ think.if this was told by someone eleses poin of view like schcafer then we would not know much about deiters past and nothing about spencer.

  6. the person that is telling the story is the main characters deiter and spence. the point of view is first person. if corpel was telling the story it would be really boring.cole.s

  7. this book is awsome i love it. its the best book ever:):):):):)!!!dominic r .3

  8. it is third person point of veiw. my great grandpa was in world war 2. the conflict is the war

  9. spence became a very brave solider after the shooting at the village

  10. Third person omniscient because it is told by a narrator but the narrator also knows all of Spences, and Dieters Thoughts... the conflict of course is the war, but also them selves because it sometimes is their decisions that save their lives...

    Andrew F. and Andy S. period 6

  11. never mind about what i posted like 2 seconds ago
    it is 3rd person LIMITED i forgot omnici-whatever
    knows EVERYBODYS THOUGHTS but in Soldier boys he only knows Spence and Dieters thoughts

    Andrew F. Period 6

  12. tke3inc. (flming pwnies)November 4, 2010 at 12:33 PM

    3rd person because its by a narrator whos not in the story and knows alot about the characters
    i would recomend this to my grandpa because he was in WWII also and i wonder if he would like it but he died a couple years ago so i guess i cant now

  13. This is a third person point of point of veiw because it doesn't say I, instead it says He and Spencce, like when Dieter was trying to shoot Schaefer, it said "He pulled the trigger hard- but the message didn't get from his brain to his finger." It is a limited omiscent point of veiw because it doesn't tell you what Scheafer,Ted, Searegeant Papas, or any other character besides Spence and Dieter is thinking or feeling.

    Erin C.
    P.S. Why is everyone talking about recomending the book?

  14. Ooops! There are a lot of misunderstandings in this blog. I want you to go back up and read the definitions of each type of point of view. Don't rely on your memory.

    Then I want you to take out the point of view handout we did in book clubs and review the learning there.

    Think back to our discussions in class when we talked about the point of view of every novel we are reading in class.

    The point of view of Soldier Boys is third person limited. If you look at the definitions you will see that third person limited is when the story is told by a narrator. However, the narrator will relate the thoughts and feelings of just the main character or just the main characters. We do not know how the other characters are feeling and thinking. The pronouns she, he and they will be used.

    One passage I can use to support my answer is on page 204."Spence kept watching the Germans who were down, and he wondered what they were going through."

    This passage supports my answer because it states; 'he wondered' and not 'I wondered.' If it had said 'I wondered,' then it would be first person. Also, this passage shows that we know what Spence is thinking and feeling. We do not know how other characters like Pappas and Ted are thinking and feeling. So we are limited to knowing mostly about the main characters.

    Now go back up and revise your thinking. Be sure you can meet the learning target-- identify the point of view of the story.
