Post #2 Conflict in the story Soldier Boys

The plot of a story is the action.  The plot revolves around a conflict or problem.  There are five main types of conflicts:
  • Person vs. person (problem with another character)
  • Person vs. society (problem with the laws or beliefs of a group)
  • Person vs. nature (problem with force of nature such as a blizzard)
  • Person vs. self (problem with deciding what to do or think)
  • Person vs. fate (problem that seems to be uncontrollable)
That struggle builds until it reaches a crisis or a turning point.  That moment is the climax.
  1. Describe one conflict in the novel. 
  2. How would you have reacted if you were facing that same conflict?
  3. Respond to a classmate's comment about the conflict.
Example: I think that the main conflict in The Summer of the Swans is that Charlie wanders off and Sara has to go find him.  This is a a person vs. person conflict because she is having a problem with another person.  I also think it might be a person vs. self because she had to decide what to do about it.  I think I would have done the same thing.  I would have felt too guilty if something had happened to him and I didn't do anything about it.


  1. cole.s says im half way through soldier boys and so far it's one of the best books ive read.It relly seems like Spence has it worse than Deiter with the weather and all.If i were facing that i would not make it in that weather.

  2. anna s.
    i think spencer has a big conflict with the weather. if i were in that situation i would definitly do exactly what he does. it seems he knows best. and cole i think deiter has the worst conditions of the 2.

  3. mrs.obrien the conflict in my book is wen spenc was runnig up the hill away frome the panther tanks and mgk42 and wen he got to the top the 105 howizers wer shooting at the germins

    bradley g =p

  4. Mrs. O'Brien here-- I agree that the weather is definitely a problem for them. The setting affects the plot here. However, I don't think that is the main conflict.

    Brad- you describe a good action scene in the book. But what you described is called a plot event-- it is not the main conflict of the story.

    I think one confict is person vs. self. Spence has to come to terms with what he is actually doing-- killing people just like him. He is struggling with serving his country in this way and being true to his personal beliefs and Morman family values. I don't know if I could do it. But I appreciate those who do serve and make those tough choices. What do you think?



  6. the germans are a big problem becouse the are pushing the amaricans back

    bradley g

  7. anna s.
    i think the main conflict is deiter trying to figure out who he is and what he is fighting for.this is a person against self conflict.

  8. I think the conflicts are Person vs. Person (The Americans and Germans fighting), Person vs. Weather (How they are cold, Spence gets frostbite on his toes, and when Dieter gets frostbite on his hands.), and I agree with Mrs. O'Brien on Person vs. self on how Spence is killing people just like him. He is struggling with serving his country in this way and being true to his personal beliefs and Morman family values. I could never kill someone on purpose, That's why I want to be in the Navy in the Medical Corps. (They're the medics)

    Erin C.

  9. I say the conflict is character vs. self like mrs. obrin said :by a person

  10. i think the conflict is when he is in war at the house.brett from p.3

  11. I think the conflict is when spence is in the war in the house.

  12. tke3inc. (flming pwnies)November 4, 2010 at 12:29 PM

    i kinda agree with everyones with the house and the cold and all, but i think one of the conflicts for spence is having to deal with ted dead and that stuff with dieter probably weather and schaefer trying to tell him bad stuff about hitlre youth adn hitler

  13. i think the main conflict is not the weather like cole said but that both spence and dieter are trying to show every body how brave they are but i also agree with griffin j, the conflict i said is person vs self.

  14. SOLDIER BOYS IS DA BOMB-litterally
